Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Our House is a very very fine house....

Many of you reading this know that the only reason we were able to get into a house is because of "looking for a house before we could afford one" After a lot of hard work and blessings. We bought it from Hud 4 years ago for $75,000. The city financed part of it and we were able to fix it up and although it will never show up on "Kribs" or "Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous" it has worked quite well for us to live in for less than rent while building equity.

Well as soon as we got back from Blanding we went to the county courthouse to check on bank foreclosures and we found several listed under the same owner Wilson Scott. We went and checked them out and there were several really nice finished houses (read too much for Kirt and Kelly) as well as several empty lots (read too much for Kirt and Kelly). There were however 2 that we liked and might be cheapper becuse they are 3/4 finished which means they would be a hastle to deal with and people would usually rather pay more than go through a hastle. Anyway here they are. From what we can find it looks like the top one will go for around $130,000 and the other will go for around $120,000. They are around 3,000 sq.ft. but after factoring in around $50,000 to finish the house and yard it looks like they're out of our reach around $150,000 so we keep looking.

which brings us to this house. We found it on Utahrealestate.com on friday and its listed for $79,000, with 4900 sq. ft. and 1/3 acre!!! We thought it must be a typo but when we called they said it wasn't. The whole house has been gutted and so that would add another $60,000-$100,000 maybe still doable right? Well the foundation is sinking about 1/2 inch per year. (The foolish man built his house upon the sand...). Apparently there is someone who can jack up the foundation and then anchor it in place with giant metal beams pounded down until they hit bedrock (the wise man...). It would cost another $80,000 though. We'll stay hopeful (if not naïve) of finding a house that will fit all 5 of us and all of our stuff comfortably.

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